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Sony Computer Entertainment America, LLC

Jocuri, legate cu companie191 (25 after filtering)

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Informație generală despre companie

Numi curente Sony Computer Entertainment America [general] Sony Computer Entertainment America, LLC [corporativ]
Nume anterioare Sony Computer Entertainment of America [s general, valabil până la 1997]
Fondat Mai 1994
Statutul Inactiv de la 31 martie 2016 [>21 ani]
Ţarile de funcţionare Statele Unite [șediul central] Canada Mexic

Company rating 75%

Average games rating over time
All-time 75%
3 most recent games 79%
10 most recent games 75%

Games by Platforms

Number of games and platform breakdown
96 33%
63 22%
49 17%
34 12%
25 9%
23 8%
1 <1%
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