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Punctaje joc

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Acest joc are mai puțin de 10 punctaje, datele sunt ascunse, deocamdată
Riot Pixels
Această funcţie este în curs de dezvoltare
Această funcţie este în curs de dezvoltare

Opinii despre acest joc1

Ordonare și filtrare păreri

[*] You can get permanently stuck at some point needing new specialist and having no ability to train them up. By the time you notice that fact your last savegame may be already buried in time.
[*] Repetitive unchallenging gameplay.
[*] Ingame riddles are fixed and never change.
[*] Love minigame has absoultely no impact on archaeologist's behavior - they stay stupid for lifetime.
[*] No gameover option (except for aforementioned stuck problem).

[*] Artstyle is nice.

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